The Messianic Calendar of King David, which Yeshua is the heir, begins on Wednesday March 24th, 2021 for a new spiritual year with YWWH (The Everlasting), our Elohim (God), the Elohim (God) of Avraham, Yits’haq and Yaaqov. Yeshua, the One who is called THE CHRIST and his disciples used it in their time, because Yeshua, is the Son of David? Isn’t he the heir to the throne as the blind man of Jericho said: “Have mercy on us, Son of David…”? Established 1000 years before the Christian era, this King’s David Messianic Calendar, which Yeshua is the heir, authoritative before the semilunar calendar imposed on the return from Babylon, on the Jews by the religious authorities of their time. The Semilunar Calendar was maintained by the Pharisees in the time of Yeshua. The King’s David Messianic Calendar, which Yeshua is the heir, is also authoritative on the Gregorian calendar imposed by Pope Gregory in his time. Let the light be through Yeshua, the One who is called THE CHRIST of HaElohim. To each one to know to whom, he wants to obey ??? !!!…
Price: 10 euros + shipping costs depending on your country. (Discount possible for bulk shipments)
You can order this calendar in paper version and in electronic version in the form of E-book.
This King’s David Messianic Calendar, which Yeshua is the heir, now exists in French and in English. It will soon be available in Spanish and then, step by step, in other languages… according to what YHWH (The Everlasting), our Elohim (God), our Father will allow us to do. Be blessed…
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